Congratulations to our first place winner, Joan Fujimoto with a 100% quiz score. WOW – we’re impressed!!

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This was the most difficult quiz question!


For example, only 15% of the participants got question No.18 correctly.


Which Koi is Better? Correct: 73 (15%) Incorrect: 403 (85%)


Read the Kokugyo 3 Book (page 311) to find out why the Koi on the Left is better than the one on the Right.

How to Judge Ginrin Variety

Most observers would instantly see that Koi B’s Maruten at location (1) is rounder, and is nearly ideal. When judging Koi, the standards for body conformation, quality and pattern must be followed.

In general, quality is more important than pattern.

In the Ginrin Tancho Kohaku variety, a way to simplify the factors is to equate the Ginrin glitter with quality, and the shape of the Maruten with the pattern.

The shape of the Tancho should be as round as possible, as it is supposed to resemble the sun.

Koi A’s Maruten touches the eye at location (2), and this is a fault. Location (3) on Koi A is a straight line which is a bit of a fault, while the line on Koi B at location (3) is more curved.

Their Ginrin can be compared at locations (4) and (5). Although it may be hard to see in these pictures, there is no Ginrin on Koi A’s spine at location (4), but the area without Ginrin is narrow.

Koi B also lacks Ginrin at location (4), but the area without Ginrin is much wider.

The Ginrin is very dense and has good glitter at location (5) on Koi A. Koi B’s Ginrin at location (5) is sparse and glitters less.

While the Maruten is better on Koi B, the Ginrin is of higher quality on Koi A. All else being equal, Koi A’s higher quality would win over Koi B’s excellent pattern.